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About Online Gift Cards

Never Expires!

Electronic Gift cards are now available for this online store!  

Choose our standard $50, $100 or $250 card or set it to any amount over $10.

Our gift cards are delivered electronically, are easy to redeem and never expire!  Your friend or loved one can order their favourite coffee and we will ship it to their door!  

It's Flexible!

Personalize your gift card with the amount, and note you choose.  Then either send it now or set a future date for the email notification. 

Select gift card design from a drop down and checkout!

Its a great way to introduce your friends to great coffee that supports biodiverse forest ecosystems in Latin America!

The gift card notification email has a redeem button takes them to the shopping page.   And when they checkout, the gift card is already entered.  How easy is that?

And you know that if they have any questions we will be happy to help.

The gift card can be used incrementally until it is fully redeemed.

The balance can be checked at any time using this balance checker.  And the history is always available from the past orders menu item.

A gift card is a great way to introduce your friends and family to the coffee you love.